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Coole Swan
Coole Swan

Coole Swan



Coole Swan is a unique blend of Single Malt Irish Whiskey; White Belgian Chocolate and effortlessly light frsh cream straight from the Brady family farm in Co Meath Ireland.  Centuries of trasdtion are absorbed in every drop,.  Do not take our word for it...try Coole Swan yourself .  Let the liquid do the talking becuase Coole Swan is not what oyu think.  It is frsh and light and delichousl;y decadent.  Perfect on every occasion.  Drink neat or over ice but always chilled.  Coole Swan is Gluten fFee.
How to use
Coole Swan should be drunk neat or over ice but always chilled .  Coole Swan is perfect on its own.  The unique blend of Whiskey; White Chocolate and effortlessly light fresh cream make Coole Swan a fantastic addition to a cocktail; a coffee; a hot chocolate; a brandy; a whiskey; bourbomn or scotch....in fact Coole Swan goes with everything...ltry out www.cooleswan.com to find some fantasic recieps all containing Coole Swan.  If you have not tried Coole Swan now is the time to fall in love.  
70 CL
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